ImprovCV contains many filters, and is being continuesly improved.
This is a partial list of the filters included with ImprovCV:
- GreyScaleFilter
- ColorConvFilter; Converts images to a number of color spaces
- InvertFilter; Inverts each pixel
- ChannelSelector; separates channels from image
- Visualizer
- BlendFilter; Adds or subtracts two images
- Multiplexer
- ExtraDisplay
- Histogram
- Histoequ; Equalizes image's histogram
- HistoThresh; Thresholds or normalizes image's histograms
- Erosion
- Dilation
- Morphological
- Thinning
- MedianFilter
- GaussianFilter
- MinMaxMeanFilter
- CalcFundamentalMatrix
- CreateDepthMap
- CreateRedGreen
- FindOuterLanes; finds the most outer lane-markings
- FillWithBlack; fills everything with black beyond the detected outer lane-markings
- FlipFilter
- OpenCvDepth
- RectifyImages
- RedGreen; Splits am image into two images by selecting the red and green channel
- RoadprepFilter
- SteerFilter
- BinaryFilter
- VanishPointFilter
- LineDetectFilter
- LineClusterFilter
- SeperateCars
- SeperateStreets2
- StereoSource
- Tracker
- VerifyCars
- SeperateCars2
- VirtualCamera
- OpticalFlowFilter
- OpticalFlowHsFilter
- HoughLinesFilter
- HoughCirclesFilter
- ClipFilter
- ClipXY
- PyrDownImage; Performs image down-sampling by 2
- PyrUpImage; Performs image up-sampling by 2
- SkyClip